Review of “Illumination” by Adam Karnacz

This is going to be an unusual book review. Not that I’m used to writing them, but please bear with me.

There’s something unique about an independent photographer’s book, especially if it’s self-published. It conveys freedom, in a certain way, but it also speaks about the will to take risks and put in the hard work required to wrestle a project to completion.

In his book, Adam takes us through a journey along with him over the past few years of his life as a police officer first and then as an independent landscape photographer.

Illumination is about human lives. Yes, it’s a photography book, but it contains stories of people – sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes funny. The images in the book somehow augment the reading experience while having soothing and calming qualities at the same time.

I’m in no position to judge or critique Adams’ photos, but I reckon that they really conveyed good feelings to me and that is probably because Adam uses photography to cope with the worst parts of life. After reading the first pages, I made sure to set aside some quality time to spend with the next chapters. It really deserves it.

Adam’s idea that connecting with nature really heals wounds in our souls is surprisingly simple and yet powerful, and can certainly vouch for that.

So, no, it’s not your usual photography book. It’s much more.